Download the Nipissing and Area Food Charter Toolkit PDF

Health and Wellness

  • Take time to stretch before and after working in the garden or in the fields. Take proper rest periods throughout the workday.
  • Advocate for local food in public places (parks, schools, restaurants, community centres, etc).
  • Share the positive experiences of growing food with others.
  • Avoid farming practices that may have a negative impact on health and the environment (e.g. chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers)
  • Use personal protective equipment when applying organically approved substances to your crops.
  • Use safe food handling procedures (iGAP or HACCP)
  • Access resources for producer stress and resilience, such as the Farm Line Hotline (stress counseling for farmers) at 1-888-451-2903

Sustainable Economic Development

  • Sell your products at farmers’ markets and to local institutions or schools.
  • Choose local processors and distributors when possible.
  • Work with local champions to increase consumer and community access to local products.
  • Investigate opportunities to  participate on local boards
  • Attend consultations
  • Provide feedback when groups are seeking information related to farming

Social Equity

  • Advocate for fair farm wages.
  • Participate in a gleaning project in your community.
  • Donate excess produce to a community or school food program.

The Environment

  • Compost on your farm to reduce the need for off-farm inputs for fertilization.
  • Create an ‘Environmental Farm Plan’ to increase your environmental awareness and set forth goals that relate to your farm.
  • Apply mulch to your soil to help retain moisture and cut down on watering needs.
  • Choose organic and heirloom varieties or species native to your region. Learn about saving your seeds.
  • Plant cover crops or living mulch.
  • Plant grass buffers to help control runoff.
  • Provide habitats for beneficial wildlife like bees and bats.
  • Reduce use of fossil fuels.

Food Literacy

  • Share your expertise by creating or participating in a community garden in your community or at a local school.
  • Participate in a mentorship program or WWOOF to help train new growers.*

*World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms


  • Organize a farm or garden tour.
  • Explore options to share and swap seeds.
  • Join a farmers’ market.
  • Connect with local food organizations to get involved with initiatives in your community.

We would like to acknowledge the Guelph Wellington Food Roundtable’s wonderful work creating the Food Charter Toolkit that this document is based on.