2019 Federal Election
We hosted an Eat Think Vote event on October 16, 2019. Coordinated by Food Secure Canada, these events were hosted across the country ahead of the 2019 federal election. The goals of the event were to bring food policy issues in Canada to the attention of our MP candidates, and help community members understand how federal food policy impacts us at the local level. The topics we chose for discussion included Indigenous food sovereignty, sustainable food systems, food insecurity, and healthy school food. See our ETV summary handout to learn more about these issues and what the federal policy implications are.

Food champions led discussion on the topics of sustainable food systems (Markus Wand), food insecurity (Erin Reyce), healthy school food (Kathy Chippa) and Indigenous food sovereignty (Paige Restoule).
Food Secure Canada will be documenting how many elected MP candidates participated in Eat Think Vote events, and will be able to circle back with them when timely advocacy is required related to food policy issues. We will look forward to connecting with Anthony Rota, the successful MP candidate for Nipissing-Timiskaming, as required related to food issues locally that have implications at the federal level.

2019 MP candidates for the Nipissing-Timiskaming riding (left to right) Alex Gomm, Green Party; Rob Boulet, NDP; Jordy Carr, Conservative Party; Anthony Rota, Liberal Party; Mark King, People’s Party of Canada.
Media coverage from Eat Think Vote:
Eat Think Vote event gave voters food for thought going into federal election
Nipissing-Timiskaming candidates address poverty, food insecurity
2018 Provincial Election
Leading up to the 2018 Provincial election, the Nipissing Area Food Roundtable is encouraging everyone to think about food when voting on June 7.
Food Insecurity:
Community Food Centres Canada has prepared a great summary article on the party positions related to this issue.
The provincial government can reduce food insecurity in Ontario with policy changes related to income. Check out our We’re Voting for Food document, which includes key messages about this issue and actions we are asking the successful MPP candidate to take.
On April 27, we invited Nipissing MPP candidates to a breakfast event to share their party position on reducing food insecurity in Ontario.
Statement from Henri Giroux, NDP*
Statement from Stephen Glass, Liberal Party*
*Edited for readability
Please consider sending an e-letter to political party leaders in Ontario and MPP candidates about this important issue via the No Money for Food is Cent$less Campaign.
Farming and Agriculture:
The National Farming Union (Ontario) has prepared questions to use with candidates related to farming and agricultural issues in Ontario.
Sustain Ontario has prepared questions and background information on a variety of food related topics as part of their Vote On Food and Farming campaign.